January Questions

 January 5, 2025 Luke 18:31-34

  • What is the difference between Jesus the Son of God and Jesus the Son of Man?

  • Read Daniel 7:13-14. Why did Jesus have to be a Son of Man?

  • Read John 12:32-34 and Luke 18:34. Though Jesus and the prophets spoke of His death and resurrection this was hidden to His disciples. What caused them to not understand or understand this?

  • How do you now understand and believe these truths now?

January 12, 2025 Luke 19:1-10

  • What is known about Zaccheus in the passage?

  • Why did everyone grumble about Jesus staying at Zaccheus house?

  • What prompted Zaccheus’s repentance?

  • What was the evidence his repentance was real not just show?

  • What earned Zaccheus his salvation with Jesus Christ?

January 19, 2025 Luke 19:28-40

  • Read Zec. 9:9. Why did Jesus instruct his disciples to get and bring the colt?

  • What prompted the disciples to praise God during the descent from the Mt of Olives?

  • What did it mean to the Pharisees when the disciples and Pilot called Jesus King?

  • Review Luke 18:31-34. If the disciples truly understood Jesus entry into Jerusalem how would the parade been different?

January 26, 2025 Luke 20:1-18

  • What was significant to the Pharisees about the source of Jesus’s authority?

  • What was the connection with John’s authority to Jesus’s authority?

  • Why did the people believe Jesus was sent by God?

  • In verse 16 Jesus conclusion to the parable was: “He will come and destroy these growers and give the vineyard to others.” Why did the Pharisees declare “May it never be!”