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ALIVE! (pt 4)

May 11, 2014 Pastor: Series: ALIVE!

Topic: Messages Passage: John 21:1–21:14

Guilt and do we deal with this? It hurts so bad, and always being afraid someone is going to find out is exhausting. It feels easier to avoid people. It feels easier to sit in my regret and suffer silently in my sin and my shame. Adam shares with us how Peter, after experiencing shame and regret, ran back to his old life being a fisherman. Jesus calls Peter to leave his shame and regret and reinstates him. Jesus doesn't want you to stay in your shame, He wants to take all our guilt and shame. Rather than pulling back Jesus wants us to move forward into his arms. 

More in ALIVE!

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ALIVE! (pt 3)

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ALIVE! (pt 1)