Worship. Worship is an attitude of the heart toward God. We worship God because of who He is (His character) and what He has done (Rescued us). We often correlate worship to music, but that is just one way in which we are able to worship our God. Scripture teaches us to be worshippers in every aspect of our lives.
Sunday Mornings. Worship on Sunday mornings and other gatherings of the church are unique because they are collective worship. When the church gathers together and stands alongside one another proclaiming the same truths - God uses this to strengthen His churches. While we will worship God Musically and sing the same songs together we also worship God simply by Gathering Together. We are declaring that our time is most wisely used by setting aside the busyness of life and devoting our attention to God - this too is worship. We will also worship by celebrating the Lord's Supper together. This is a time for us to worship Jesus specifically - for his sacrifice on the cross and effecting the reconciliation between us and God. When we open God's Word and ask the Holy Spirit to help us understand the Bible and convict our hearts - this too is worship. Finally, we set aside a Time of Community where we fellowship with one another, seeking to create and strengthen relationships within the church. All of these are forms of worship at TCC.
Musically. There are many different tastes musically and this can often be a source of division in churches. We hope to provie a mix that gives everyone an opportunity to worship through music they know and enjoy on Sunday mornings. You can listen to our set lists below to get an idea of what songs we might be playing. How those songs are played also vary. We make every effort to remove obstacles and distractions from worship and so our intent is that God alone is the one receiving the attention during all aspects of the Sunday morning gathering. We also have acoustic gatherings on the first Sunday of the month to remind us that we are not attending a performance, but we are all joining together and lifting our voices to praise the one glorious God who is alone worthy of our worship!