In John 13:33-34 Jesus tell His disciples that they are to go out and love the same way He loved them. In doing this the world would be transformed and they would know that they are His people.

Our goal as a church is to encourage each other into maturity (i.e. learning how to love more like Jesus). To accomplish this we use the BIG 3 a a guide. 


What does it mean to be a person who Makes Much of Jesus?
        You desire to make the name of Jesus famous and not your own.
        You work to build God’s kingdom and not your own.
        Your life is focused on God receiving the glory.
How do we help you Make Much of Jesus?
        We Provide opportunities to learn about Jesus
        Small Groups (learn together in a smaller setting) 
        Discipleship Groups (focused study on God)



What does it mean for a person to LIVE GENEROUSLY? 
         Being mindful of those God has placed around you. 
         Using your gifts and resources for the good of others in all humility
         Viewing everything you have and all that you are as gifts to be used to bless others. 
How do we help you Live Generously?
         Opportunities to Give Generously:
                   Global Missions: 6:8 Ministries 
                   Local Missions: Fostering Hope
                   Donations/Offerings to TCC to continue to preach the Gospel 
         Opportunities to Serve Generously 
                   Volunteering at Church 
                   Missions Trips/Local Missions Opportunities



What does it mean to be a person that Loves Others as Jesus Loves Us?
       You are OTHERS focused: treating everyone as more significant than yourself.
       Loving others and not expecting anything in return.
How do we help you Love Others as Jesus Loves Us?
        Increase the size of your family and you'll increase the messiness
        Just being in the church family will give you opportunities to show God's love