January Questions


December Questions 


November Questions


27 Oct - Luke 12:13-34

  • What does covetousness mean?

  • In Colossians 3:5 why is covetousness considered idolatry?

  • What do people covet?

  • In Jesus parable of a rich man, what false conclusions did the rich man make?

  • How does a person become rich toward God?

  • In light of Christ how would you rewrite the rich man’s story?

20 Oct - Luke 11:33-12:3

  • What is the light in verse 36?

  • How can the light in a person be darkness?

  • What is the effect of a person full of true light?

  • Why did Jesus not wash for dinner?

  • What truth was Jesus communicating to the Pharisees about being clean in God’s eyes?

  • What three “woes” did Jesus give to the Pharisees?

  • What is the difference between a Pharisees and a Lawyer?

  • Why did the Lawyers consider Christ’s word an insult rather than truth?

  • What three “woes” did Jesus give to the Lawyers?

  • Which woe do you need to consider?

13 Oct - Luke 11:1-13

  • How have you learned to pray?

  • How is the Lord's Prayer an example to us?

  • What does it include?

  • What does it teach us about prayer?

  • Why does the prayer phrase "lead us not into temptation" mean?

  • Jesus says to be bold and persistent. When is this hard to do?

  • How can we make prayer a continuous action in our life?

  • How do you handle when your prayers are not answered in the way we prayed for?

  • How does the Holy Spirit help us to pray?

6 Oct - Luke 10:25-37

  • Why do you think the lawyers or experts in the law wanted to test Jesus? 

  • The Lawyer called Jesus "teacher". Who do you think he thought Jesus was?

  • How do we "inherit" eternal life?

  • Who were the Samaritan's? 

  • Why were they despised to the Jews? 

  • Who would be a Samaritan to you today?

  • Who is your neighbor?

  • How can you be a more neighborly person?

  • How do we show mercy to others?


29 Sep - Review Jesus' Galilean Ministry


22 Sep - Luke 9:28-36

  • Why did Jesus bring Peter, John and James rather than all the Twelve?

  • What did Moses and Elijah discuss with Jesus?

  • With the long list of prophets why Moses and Elijah?

  • What was God’s purpose of the transfiguration for Jesus? For Peter, John and James?

  • What do you think of Peter’s offer to build some tents?

  • What are the three truths God revealed and spoke about Jesus?

15 Sep - Luke 9:1-17

  • Jesus sent out the twelve without going with them. How did Jesus prepare them to proclaim the kingdom of God?

  • Why did Jesus empower and equip the twelve but not all His disciples?

  • Herod was interested and wanted to see Jesus. What happened to Herod?

  • What was the disciple’s recommendation to Christ to meet the physical needs of the crowd?

  • Should we expect, with faith, for Jesus to feed and provide shelter for us today?

  • What worries you?

8 Sep - Luke 8:26-39

  • Who was this man “who had demons”

  • What was his background, religion and culture?

  • How are demon possessed people identified?

  • How is a person possessed by demons?

  • Why did Jesus ask the demons their name?

  • Why did the pigs rush over the cliff when the demons wanted to possess them.

  • Why did seeing this man wonderfully delivered cause fear in the people causing them to ask Jesus to leave?

  • Though Jesus departed how did He provide the Gospel for them?

1 Sep - Luke 8:16-21

  • What is the meaning of the lamp that Jesus describes? What is the light? 

  • What does Jesus mean by ‘taking care of how you hear ‘? Is there a way to hear wrongly? 

  • What isb Jesus referring to when he says that more will be given to those who have? What is the ‘more’?

  • What was the nature of the request by Jesus’s family to see Him?

  • How does “family” define or validate a person?

  • How do you become part of this new family of Jesus?

  • How can a person have a family different than the one they are born into?

  • Which family has the greatest value or priority?

  • As a follower of Christ what responsibilities do I have to my natural family?

25 Aug - Luke 8:1-3

  • Women were not included as disciples by Jewish Rabbis. Why did Jesus include women in his group of disciples?

  • How is this different from Roman, Greek, and Jewish Culture

  • How did they handle the logsitics of women and men traveling together?

  • Of the women named what do we know about their backgrounds?

  • What key role did these women play in proclaiming and preaching the kingdom of God?

  • What do men and women share as Christ's disciples? What is different?

  • In what ways has the church stumbled in reflecting Christ's attitude toward women?

  • In what ways has the world gone astray from Christ's attitude toward women?

18 Aug - Luke 7:24-35

  • What did Jesus say about John’s standing in the history of man?

  • Who are “the least in the kingdom of God”?

  • Why did the people and tax collectors agree with Jesus and consider God just?

  • What did the lawyers and Pharisees conclude and preach abought John and Jesus?

  • What motivated the lawyers and Pharisees attacks on John and Jesus?

  • What does “Yet wisdom is justified by all her children” mean?

11 Aug - Luke 7:11-17

  • Where is the city Nain located? https://bibleatlas.org/full/nain.htm

  • What key facts surround this event that would lead to the verification of this man’s resurrection?

  • How did Jesus show His compassion and identify with the dead man? (Num. 19:11)

  • What was significant about Jesus’s command “Young man, I say to you, arise.”?

  • Read Romans 8:10–11 and Rev. 3:19-20. How does Christ command us in a similar way?

  • Why did they call Jesus “a great prophet” but not God?

4 Aug - Luke 6:37-49

  • Read Luke 6:37-42 – Is this a promise from God or is God communicating what we should expect?

  • How does 1 Corinthians 5:11-13 apply to this?

  • In what ways might we be accused of hypocrisy? How do we ensure that we are not considered hypocrites?

  • Luke 6:43-45 – If good trees can only bear good fruit, how then do we understand remaining sin in our lives?

  • Why does a person call Jesus Christ their Lord yet not obey or do Christ’s commandments?

  • Read John 14:16- 21 and John 15:7-11. What insights are there about a person who practices Christ's word?

  • What does personal adversity (floods) reveal about a person’s standing with Christ?

  • In the story the foundation determines the fate of the house. Read 1 Cor. 3:11, Eph 2:20 and

  • Hebr. 6:1 to discuss the following.

    How does Christ become your Foundation or Lord?

    When we sin what does that do to our foundation in Christ?

    What is “the ruin of that house” Jesus is referring to?

  • Read Matt 21:42-45. What significance is the “rock” in this story to God’s people?

28 July - Luke 6:12-19

  • What does Apostle mean?

  • Read Luke 6:12, Mark 3:14 and John 15:16.

  • How did Jesus know who to pick?

  • For what purpose did Jesus pick the Apostle’s

  • How did these men live out their calling?

  • (Verses 6:17-19) In this large gathering there were Apostles, Disciples, those who came to hear Jesus’s words and those seeking healing.

  • If you were there which group, would you have be in?

  • How large was the crowd? How many were healed?

  • What must have the Apostles and other disciples concluded from what Jesus did and taught this day?


21 July - Luke 5:27-32

  • What changed for Matthew when he obeyed Jesus’s command to “Follow Me.”?

  • What has changed for you?

  • What are the Pharisees criticisms of Jesus and His disciples?

  • How does Jesus respond?

  • In verse 39 what does “The old is good enough” mean?


14 July - Luke 5:12-16

  • Describe how this man lived and his relationships as a leper.

  • What did the leper believe about Jesus?

  • What is significant about Jesus touching the man before He healed him?

  • Why did Jesus command the healed man not to speak of Jesus healing but to follow the Law? Read Lev. 14:2-7

  • What terminal illness has Jesus healed you of?

  • Though possessing unlimited personal power why would Jesus slip away from the people in need to pray?


7 July - Luke 4:31-44

  • Verse 4:38-39 Also read   Matt 8:14-15, Mark 1:29-31 and 1 Corinthians 9:5. What kind of relationships did Jesus have with the disciples and their families?

  • In this passage all those who came to Jesus were healed mentally and physically.  Though healed why did they all not also believe in Jesus as Christ?

  • What conditions today are caused by evil spirits/demons? What guards a believer from these conditions?

  • John preached outside the towns and cities. Why did Jesus preach in the synagogues of the towns.


30 June - REVIEW - Luke 1:1-4:13

  • Review the foundation of Jesus' Ministry

  • How have you grown over this last month?


23 June - Luke 3:23-38

  • Review of Sunday – Have you been baptized as a symbol of repentance?

  • Review of Sunday – How do you know if you have been given the Holy Spirit?

  • Review of Sunday – Why does God choose to give us his Holy Spirit?

  • (Verses Luke 1:35-38) Since Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit why was His lineage traced through Joseph?

  • Why is the linage of Jesus important? Read   Isa.7:14 and Micah 5:2

  • Who stands out to you in Christ’s lineage?

16 June - Luke 3:1-14

  • (Verse 2:25) What is the consolation of Israel?

  • (Verse Luke 3:3+8) What were the two main tenets of John’s message?

  • (Verse Luke 3:3) How can a baptism of repentance lead to forgiveness?

  • What does the term repent mean?

  • How did John’s message prepare Israel for the ministry of Jesus?

  • When asked “What then shall we do?” John gave different directives for tax collectors and soldiers. What might John say today to people in different occupations and professions?

  • What fruits have you demonstrated from your repentance?

9 June - Luke 2:22-40

  • What important part were Joseph and Mary playing in Jesus’s life

  • (Verse 2:25) What is the consolation of Israel?

  • (Verse 2:26) How did the Holy Spirit reveal these things to Simeon?

  • (Verse 2:32) How is Jesus Christ a light of revelation to Gentiles?

  • (Verse 2:32) How is Jesus Christ glory to Israel?

  • (Verse 2:34-35) Why did God address Mary’s future hurt?

  • (Verse 2:34-35) What reveals the thoughts from many hearts?

 2 June - Luke 1:57-80

  • Verse 1:63-64) Why did Zechariah get his speech back after writing John’s name? Elizabeth already knew his decision by declaring John as the child’s name.

  • In Zechariah’s prophecy what did John fulfill?

  • In Zechariah’s prophecy what did Jesus fulfill?

  • In Zechariah’s prophecy what did not get fulfilled?

  • (Verse 1:80) Why did John live in the wilderness and not become a priest like his father?


26 May - Luke 1:5-25

  • Since both were righteous before God and walked blameless in obedience, why did they suffer reproach for being childless? (Verse 6)

  • What good news did Gabriel have for Elizabeth and John? (Verse 13 and 25)

  • Who is it John will go before? (Verse 17)

  • What is the spirit and power of Elijah? (Verse 17)

  • Why is it required that John come first and prepare the people for the Lord? (Verse 17 and John 1: 8-9)